Something delicious for everyone!

Main ingredients:

Recommended for

pieczona piers z kurczaka z duszonym jarmuzem i sosem czosnkowym  


- 4 chicken breasts (150g each)
- 5-6 leaves kale
- 1 tbsp. butter
- oil
- 4 tbsp. Tarsmak PREMIUM garlic sauce
- salt, sweet paprika, black pepper to taste

Rub the chicken fillets with salt, black pepper and paprika and leave in the fridge for 1 hour. Grease with oil and roast in the oven in a heat-resistant dish (200C, approximately 35-40 minutes). Thoroughly wash the kale leaves, carve off and throw away hard parts, then cut into large cubes. Season with a pinch of salt and stew in butter until tender. Add 4 tbsp. Tarsmak PREMIUM garlic sauce and stir. The roasted chicken breast with stewed kale shall be served as the main course, with fried potatoes or other side dishes.

Enjoy your meal!