Ingredients – for the dough:
- 500g flour - 250g butter - 2 yolks - 100ml water - salt to season
Other ingredients:
- 500g frozen spinach, chopped - 2 tbsp. butter - 150g blue cheese, Rokpol type - 250g half-fat cottage cheese - 1 egg - salt, black pepper to season - 2 garlic cloves - 5 bard-boiled eggs - Tarsmak garlic sauce
Preparation: Sift the flour, add the sliced butter and chop up with a knife. Add in the yolks, water and salt to taste, then knead the dough. Divide into two portions and leave in the fridge for 30 minutes. Defrost the spinach, drain it and mix with the melted butter and raw eggs. Crumble in the blue cheese and cottage cheese, add the crushed garlic, season with salt and black pepper and mix thoroughly. Roll out one portion of the dough, transfer into the baking tray and bake in the oven for approximately 10 minutes at 200C. Spread the stuffing over the tart and stick in hard-boiled eggs. Roll out the second portion of the dough, use it to cover the stuffing and pierce it with a fork. Transfer the tart into the preheated oven (200C) and bake for approximately 35 minutes. Serve with the Tarsmak garlic sauce.
Enjoy your meal!